📄️ Introduction
Shop platform
📄️ Shops
For these integrations, the root entity is the shop. All shop platform operations require that you first have a shop.
📄️ Products
Product information from your integration system (WMS, ERP, E-Commerce platform or similar) needs to be synced over to Pio.
📄️ Inventory
When using Pio, it should be the master of stock levels for inventory that it knows about. When Pio receives new orders
📄️ Orders and Fulfillments
So that Pio knows what to pick, orders need to be synced over from the external system. When doing so, including as
📄️ Webhook events and payloads
- inventory_log.create: Sent when there is a new entry in the product inventory log. Example here.
📄️ Building a Shop Platform Integrations
Here are some tips on how to create a new integration and what steps are needed.